Yahoo!News: Politics News 09 Aug 2011 03:31 PM PDTAP - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced Tuesday he's naming Sen.Patty Murray to co-chair a powerful "super committee" charged with finding more than $1 trillion in deficit cuts this fall.09 Aug 2011 03:21 PM PDT AP - The fallen come home here with such dignity that every American flag on every case of remains is inspected for the tiniest smudge.The dead are treated with reverence by everyone.Including their commander in chief.09 Aug 2011 09:49 AM PDT 09 Aug 2011 12:44 PM PDT AP - The Obama administration is preparing to explicitly demand the departure of Syrian President Bashar Assad and hit his regime with tough new sanctions, U.S.officials said Tuesday as the State Department signaled for the first time that American efforts to engage the government are finally over.09 Aug 2011 12:26 PM PDTAP - The media were not allowed to cover the somber ceremony at Dover Air Force Base on Tuesday when the remains of 38 U.S.and Afghan troops killed in a weekend helicopter crash arrived and were honored by President Barack Obama, despite appeals from news organizations.09 Aug 2011 03:01 PM PDT
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