Limited or non-existent.No Ability to Choose or Obey GodRepeat after me, Sinner’s prayer.Accept, Trust, Rest If Elect you will Endure to end, If Not you will fall back into sin.(but you sin daily in thought, word and deed anyway) God Determines the Elect, Predestines them, Calls, Saves & Justifies.Yetzer towTow is Moral conscience, Ra is human impulse or desires, neither is sinful!Free Will is fundamental to Judaism and the Early Christians.Only the Pagans believed in the OS..To Paul & Apostles Every Person had the ability to choose good or evil.Repentance and Faith are Both PROVEN by Deeds!
Man is Justified by Deeds and NOT by Faith Alone!Sanctified and Justified at Salvation, New Creation!Grace teaches godliness, Self-Control in the Present age!: Penal Sub, Moral Transfer, Imputed Righteousness, Eternal Security, Absolute Depravity, Election or predestination.Or Salvation by faith alone.If you DO any of these things, You’re Trying to Save yourself and have fallen from Grace.It is NOT Possible to Stop Sinning in this life.You must TRUST!The Lord may have said, в