Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have long been considered as positive additives to the diet. Earlier research suggested that the compounds might play a role in reducing the level of cytokines in the body, compounds that promote inflammation, and perhaps even reduce depression.To test their theory, they turned to a familiar group of research subjects medical students. Some of the earliest work these scientists did showed that stress from important medical school tests lowered students' immune status.The team a*sembled a field of 68 first- and second-year medical students who volunteered for the clinical trial.The students were randomly divided into six groups, all of which were interviewed six times during the study.At each visit, blood samples were drawn from the students who also completed a battery of psychological surveys intended to gauge their levels of stress, anxiety or depression.The students also completed questionnaires about their diets during the previous weeks."These students were not anxious.They weren't really stressed.They were actually sleeping well throughout this period, so we didn't get the stress effect we had expected," Kiecolt-Glaser said."It may be too early to recommend a broad use of omega-3 supplements throughout the public, especially considering the cost and the limited supplies of fish needed to supply the oil," Belury said."People should just consider increasing their omega-3 through their diet."
Pavitra Rishta 14th July 2011 | Zee Tv drama Pavitra Rishta 14-07-2011