Step 1
Set up a shuttle run in front of one goal.Place a line of six evenly spaced orange cones from the goal line to the front line of the goalie box.For this station, an athlete starts at the goal line and runs to the first cone.He picks up the cone, then runs to place it on the goal line.He then immediately runs to gather the second cone and stack it on the first.When all cones are stacked, the athlete then runs to set the cones back in their original positions.This drill works acceleration, deceleration and coordination.
Step 2
Place a line of six cones along a 25-yard stretch of one sideline, along with two or three balls.Use this station for a dribbling slalom.Athletes run a slalom course while traveling with a ball.A slalom run involves weaving in an "S" pattern through the cones you've set up.When an athlete reaches the last cone, he reverses direction and returns through the slalom.This station works on ball-handling skills and running with the ball.
Step 3
Set up eight to 10 balls on the goal line of the goal not being used for the shuttle run.At this station, have athletes practice taking shots on goal.Depending on your needs, you can have them take the shots for simple accuracy, or place your goalies on the station to block the incoming shots.This station builds skills necessary not only for shots on goal, but for general accuracy in kicking and pa*sing.If you're using your goalies, it gives them direct experience with their most important role.
Step 4
Keep the length of one sideline completely clear for a wind sprint station.For wind sprints, athletes spend their entire time on station running at full speed from one end of the field to another.If your athletes are still getting into shape, have them run one length, then walk back.The wind sprint station builds the cardiovascular endurance any soccer player needs to compete for an entire game.
Step 5
Assign the center of the field for pa*sing practice, squaring off a 20-yard by 20-yard area with an orange cone at each end.While on this station, two or more athletes run along the borders of the square and pa*s the ball back and forth.Ball-handling, communication and accuracy are the key skills for this station.