The lower extremities consist of the hips, legs and feet.As you go through life, it is very important to keep the muscles of the lower extremities strong and flexible.This can help you get around more comfortably and it can also allow you to do daily functions with more efficiency.
Calf Raises
Calf raises isolate the gastrocnemius and soleus, which are the two components of the calf complex.To perform these basic exercises, stand with your feet hip-width apart and toes pointing forward.Steadily lift your heels from the floor until you are on your tip toes.Hold this position for a second, slowly lower yourself down and repeat.For a variation, perform these with your toes on a step and heels hanging off the edge.
Low Lunge
The low lunge is a yoga pose that stretches the thighs, hip flexors and groin in one motion.To begin, position your feet in a staggered stance, raise your arms above your head and more your hands together.Slowly lower yourself down until your back knee touches the floor.Flatten your back foot out so the top of your foot is flat on the floor.Move your body forward as you reach your arms above your head and slightly arch your back.Hold the stretch for 30 to 45 seconds, slowly release and switch sides.When doing this stretch, do not let your front knee go past your toes.
Iliotibial Band Stretch
The so-called IT band is a collection of tissue that often causes pain on the outer thigh in people that run on a regular basis.This is due to IT band tightness.The IT band stretch is performed from a standing position.After placing your left hand on a table or counter for balance, extend your right arm straight above your head and cross your right foot over your left.Lean to your left side as you reach high in the air and slightly shift your hips to the right.Once you feel a good stretch on the outside of your hip and thigh, hold for 30 to 45 seconds.Slowly release and switch sides.
Split Squat
A split squat is similar to a regular squat, except your legs are in a staggered position.This exercise works the same muscles as the squat, but it places the most emphasis on the quadriceps in the front of the thighs.To begin, stand with your right or left foot forward and other foot behind you.Maintain a straight back and tight abs as you bend your knees to lower your body down.Stop when both knees bend to 90 degrees and stand back up.After completing a set of reps, change your leg position and repeat.To increase your resistance, position a barbell across your upper back.
that work more than one muscle at a time are called compound, or multijoint.The squat is a lower extremity compound exercise that works the glutes, hips, thighs and calves all at the same time.To perform a basic squat, stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips or let your arms rest at your sides.Slowly lower yourself down by bending your knees and stop when your thighs become parallel with the floor.Stand back up in a steady motion and repeat.You can instantly increase the resistance with squats by resting a barbell across your upper back or holding dumbbells at your sides
Modified Hurdler's Stretch
The modified hurdler's stretch targets the hamstrings and groins, and is performed on the floor from a seated position.Keeping your right leg straight, bend your left knee, flatten the outside of your leg on the floor and place your left foot on the inside of your right thigh.Keeping your back as straight as possible, bend at the waist and reach for your right foot with your hands.Only go as far as you can and hold for 30 to 45 seconds.Slowly release and switch sides.
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