This respected text skillfully combines evidence-based interviewing skills and cognitive-behavioral intervention change strategies applicable to a wide range of client ages, cultural backgrounds, and problems in living.The book interweaves attention to conceptual and empirical foundations with an emphasis on practical skills and real-life factors in contemporary settings with diverse clientele.Long commended for its synthesis of up-to-date professional knowledge with case models, learning activities, and guided feedback, INTERVIEWING AND CHANGE STRATEGIES FOR HELPERS: FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS AND COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS, Sixth Edition, features a new streamlined and reader-friendly design, as well as essential new information on vital topics such as ethics, critical thinking, client resistance, exposure therapy, the helping relationship, and recent developments in cognitive behavior therapy.These valuable additions complement a proven instructional format focusing on essential knowledge, skills, values, and tools needed by today's professional helpers.
Amazon Sales Rank: #13087 in Books Published on: 2008-03-11 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Binding: Hardcover 640 pages
Review "The Cormier, Nurius, and Osborn text presents interviewing and change strategies within a carefully-researched but very readable format.The crucial importance of building a strong client/counselor relationship is clearly articulated in all of its relevant ingredients.Following this exposition, conceptualizing and a*sessment with goal setting and treatment planning are carefully examined.Finally, a variety of cognitive behavioral strategies are carefully reviewed with remarkable clarity.Throughout the text, attention is devoted to diversity issues, the client's ecology, and a multidisciplinary helping approach.Valuable learning exercises, client illustrations, and model dialogues are also included for many of the strategies described.A careful reading of this text by your students would ensure that they have been exposed to the fundamental skills and strategies needed for a beginning helper....Graduates will choose to retain this book indefinitely as a reference in their professional library.""The text, INTERVIEWING AND CHANGE STRATEGIES FOR HELPERS, is a thorough review of the literature and technique that prepares beginning psychologists and counselors to realistically understand, conceptualize and walk with clients through the counseling process.This text encourages learning by doing!The authors provide ample opportunities for the student to go beyond contemplation.There are numerous activities in each chapter that could be likened to a workbook format.If you are fairly new to teaching in the counseling field, this text is a gem as it provides ample teaching opportunities to be utilized during cla*s, requiring little additional preparation by the instructor.""INTERVIEWING AND CHANGE STRATEGIES is one of the best, if not the best single text to teach basic counseling skills and intervention strategies.It is extremely thorough in the coverage of topics, current in the presentation of research to support the use of the strategies identified, and it seamlessly integrates issues related to diversity into the flow of the discussion.It is very thorough and every chapter has been extremely applicable to the needs of counselors in training.I often tell students that if I had to choose only 2 texts to teach counseling, INTERVIEWING AND CHANGE STRATEGIES would be one of them." About the Author Sherry Cormier is a professor in the Department of Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling and Counseling Psychology at West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.She is a licensed psychologist in the state of West Virginia.Her current research and practice interests are in counseling and psychology training and supervision models, diversity issues, and issues impacting girls and women.She teaches a variety of courses for doctoral level students.Paula S.Nurius is a professor in the University of Washington School of Social Work in Seattle, Washington.She brings her masters and doctoral training in both psychology and social work to her teaching, practice, and research, with particular concern for vulnerable and traumatized populations.Dr.Nurius directs an NIMH-funded graduate training program in prevention research and has longstanding interests in fostering linkages between practice and research and among allied disciplines committed to helping/human services.Her current research focuses on effects of violence and cumulative adversity on development, coping, and resilience.
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