I first heard about the HCG Diet several years ago.I noticed that a friend of mine had lost a lot of weight and I asked him how he did it.He told me he was on a 500 calorie a day diet and was taking injections several times a day.I knew I needed to lose some weight, but I lost all interest in my friend's approach when he mentioned the word "injections"!
I continued struggling with my weight for several more years.My job has me sitting at a desk for long periods of time, and the stress and the long hours meant that I was eating all of the wrong foods at all the wrong times.Sometimes I wouldn't eat dinner until nine or ten p.m.at night.
The weight kept piling on and I kept buying bigger pant sizes while rationalizing that I wasn't THAT FAT and that I could lose the weight anytime I wanted.
After all, I kept telling myself, I played football and ran track in high school and played a little college football, so I had been in great shape before and it wasn't really that big of a deal to get back in shape whenever I really had the time to do so.I kept finding excuses on why the timing just wasn't right.
I am convinced that whenever someone is going to make changes to their lifestyles and their habits, the motivation has to come from within or it will never be a lasting change.I was told over the years by family members and friends that I was looking a little to pudgy, but I just got defensive when they brought it up.I mentioned to some family members that we were planning a hike in the mountains and they asked me if I truly felt that I could do such a hike in my current physical shape.
I was offended.Obviously my athletic background meant that I could still do the same things now!Never mind that fact that I am 5' 10" and had ballooned to a whopping 264 pounds!
Then the internal change came.
One day I took my wife and kids on a trip to Wyoming to see the Grand Tetons.We had just bought some new phones and they had some great cameras in them.I posed with my wife in front of the Tetons as my oldest daughter took a picture.As she pa*sed the phone back to me and I looked at that picture, the freight train of reality finally came crashing down over me.I finally realized that I was not at all happy with how big I had become.As I looked at different diets, I learned more about the HCG Diet.I learned about the homeopathic drops that were available instead of the injections, and I decided that I would make the commitment.
I was amazed at the process.The drops completely took away my appetite.I was eating only 500 calories a day, but didn't feel hungry.I think more importantly, the HCG Diet completely changed my eating habits.I cut out a lot of the high calorie, sugary foods that were adding to my weight problem.I am not saying that I didn't have CRAVINGS at first, but what I am saying that I also had the tools and the motivation to overcome the cravings to get to where I wanted to be.
The results were almost immediate, and my friends and family took notice.I was losing 8 to 12 pounds a week with the diet and I wasn't feeling hungry!
Needles to say, I was very pleased with the results.
I ended up losing over 35 pounds in just a few months, and went on to lose a total of 55 pounds in roughly four months.The changes have been incredible.It gave me great satisfaction in giving my old clothes away because they were way too big.
I started the diet wearing size 44 pants ( and they were snug!) and finished the diet wearing size 36 ( and they are loose!).
Some people say the hcgdiet is not effective or it is simply a placebo.For me, it made all the difference!
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kirk_J_Dyorich
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