I was told I need to update the blog again so here it goes.:) Brenya is doing absolutely amazing!She is now three months old and by looking at her you would never know she was in the hospital.She is a little small for her age, being in the 5th percentile, but is healthy.She got to come off her oxygen on August 9th so now she is a wireless baby.Since she was in the hospital for 8 weeks her development was a little delayed but she is catching up quick.She can sit up with support, she holds her head up, and she has just started pushing up off the floor.She tries to pick up toys but is still a little too weak.You can tell she really wants to get down and play and get frustrated because she can't.We are working on it.She smiles a lot and is starting to laugh.She is also VERY talkative.She eats well and all from mom too.No bottle!We are getting into the routine of all the normal baby stuff.We all really love being home.We are very lucky to have such a tough and special little girl. I will keep the blog updated more regularly with her achievements and pictures.

Turning the Corner