
images Day of the dead skull flash by
of the Dead Reindeer Skull AC21 tells that one can leave the job after 6 months of filing I485.But the green card is for future job and if anyone is not working for a company after receiving permanent job then green card can be considered as fraud.
These 2 rules are contraditory in nature.
Some of my friends quit the job after 6 months of I485 but after receiving GC they went back and worked for a few months.
Generally USCIS does not have time and resource to track this.But I think they do randomly.One of my other friend resigned the job and he was doing business.He got interview and he postponed the interview to get a job and letter from his previous Company.
If anyone is happy in their job can stay there till receiving gc.In case of layoffs there is no choice one need to invoke.Even if need to resign the Company it is better try to maintain good relationship.After 8 years GC is denied that will place in tough situation though it will happen for a few cases
wallpaper of the Dead Reindeer Skull
DAY OF THE DEAD, DIA DE LOS nogc_noproblem
08-06 11:53 AM
A man went into the proctologist's office for his first exam.
The doctor told him to have a seat.In the examination room and that he would be with him in just a few minutes.When the man sat down and began observing the tools he noticed there were three items on a stand next to the exam table.
A tube of K-Y jelly; A rubber glove; and A beer.
When the doctor finally came in the man said, "Look Doc, I'm a little confused.This is my first exam.I know what the K-Y is for, and I know what the glove is for, but can you tell me what the BEER is for?"
At that the doctor became noticeably outraged and stormed over to the the door.The doc flung the door open and yelled to his nurse.......
Dam it Helen!I said a BUTT LIGHT
makeup day of dead tattoos d) you should aim for the cheapest house in the most expensive community/ subdivision you can afford - on the other side, never buy the house which is more expensive than others around it ...u want other houses to increase ur value and not the other way around.
e) keep good paperwork for regular pest / termite treatments etc.just like it helps in selling the car
f) pay a bit extra for extra insulation - even upgrade insulation for garage door
If we have to sell the house in a rush, we have atleast done everything one could ...rest is umm beyond our hands with all this unpredictability :)
best of luck!nesting instincts need to be nurtured imho!and is very human ...
Day Of The Dead Art Skull With India needs to look inwards for answers.
We elect (those of us who actually vote) brigands, murderers and looters and expect leadership.They loot us, abuse our martyrs (re: the Kerala CM), and in turn, expect our mute subservience.Where is the interest in protecting the tax-paying citizen?Who cares?Look at how these vultures behave - Narayana Rane, Vilasrao Deshmukh, that a*s-clown in Kerala.What a disgrace!
Corruption has taken root in the administration and even some parts of our military services.Nothing gets done without someone's palms being greased first - openly and without shame.My friends in the IAS live like kings.When they visit New York, they live in the Waldorf Astoria!Meanwhile, our brave soldiers are called upon to give all they have in avoidable debacles like what we witnessed in Mumbai.
One thinks twice before reporting a crime to the Police for fear of persecution.Journalists who catch Politicians accepting bribes on video camera are chastized.Many parts of India remain as backward and undeveloped as the day we kicked the British Raj out.Some might say they've regressed even further.I sometimes wonder if Churchill was right when he said that we'd only mess things up if they gave us Independence.
Yet, since 50 milliion Indians are enjoying relative economic well-being, we believe that India is shining.
Will attacking Pakistan really make India safer?Really?I have yet to see a single instance when violence was not met with more violence.Look at the Middle East, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Iraq, Colombia, Peru - the list goes on and on and on.
The fix is internal.Our freedom fighters came up against what was then thought to be an unmovable object and somehow moved it.There must be a way to leverage the tools they used with today's technology to help us bring change and conduct our affairs with dignity and courage.Attacking Pakistan will only bring to India the problems that overran them.They are pitiful.
Peace to all.
quot;Day of the Deadquot; skullage Thanks for the data.There is one more twist to the story though.The "median home" of 1940 is NOT the same as the median home of 2000.The home sizes have more than doubled in this period (dont have an official source right now - but look at Google Answers: Historic home sizes (http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=110928) .A little digging should give us an official source if you want.)....So, if the median home prices have doubled post adjustment for inflaton - that really means that the prices have stayed flat adjusted for inflation.
Statistics is a bitch :-D
Home sizes have lesser impact on the median price now.It is unaffordability that is pushing the prices down.The median is getting back to what the income in the area can support.The builders can build mansions, but someone has to buy...One way the builders survive these days is by bulding smaller homes that people can buy..
Day Of The Dead Art Skull And Gravitation
03-25 08:27 AM
Ok, so everytime I see a rent vs buy discussion I see apartment living compared with living in a house.This may not apply to a lot of other places but here's how it goes in SF Bay Area:
Apartment: Decent sized 2 Bed/2 Bath --- $1600 pm
House : Decent sized 3 bed/2.5 bath --- $2000 pm
House : Decent sized 3 bed/2.5 bath --- $3500 pm
So, is additional 1500 pm worth the money?Why not rent a house?What's the point of trying to get into a sliding market when even Greenspan can't say where the bottom is?
I am in a decent sized apartment right now and if I have to upgrade its a rental house.Buying in a sliding real estate market doesn't make sense to me.
Buying a house is a long term move.Not a short term.The payment for house will remain (pretty much) the same for 30 years!Rental prices will go up every year.And after 30 years of payments, the house will be all yours.
You're also neglecting the tax savings.There'll be appx.$900 per month in tax saving (a*suming 25% tax bracket).
Unless you can think and plan 5~10 years ahead (at least), real estate is not for you.
Day of the Dead Sugar Skull sledge_hammer
06-05 05:53 PM
Unless one is a day trader, he/she probably has a real job (no offense to day traders :D), and only invests regularly through his/her employer sponsored retirement account or if she is self employed, she has an IRA account, to take advantage of dollar cost averaging.I am the latter btw!It used to be that 10 years was what was considered to measure the performance of any investment, and even though that trend has changed now, let's just stick with the 10 year yard stick.
Let's take an example of Joe.Let's a*sume he has 30K in his pocket for investment.His goal is hard set to invest right now and cash out in 10 years.Let's find out where he stands at the end of 10 years in the two situations, rent and own.
-------- I am going to spend the next 10 mins crunching some numbers and I will get back to you :D.You are free to post your calculations here ---------------
Now we are getting into another different fun topic - how does a real estate "investment" compare with other forms of investment.
1.Leverage = speculation = risk.By taking the leverage and buying the house - you lock in a 3-5% return and a lot of risk (for a 200k house - that would be 10k/year max).The 3-5% comes from long term price appreciation trends.
If I did not buy that 200k house - I would invest the initial 40k and the rest of 160k gradually every month.For simplistic calculations:
return from 40k - 5% (I can show you reward checking accounts with that rate even now).Inflation protected TIPS could be a good place if you are afraid of hyperinflation
Earnings = 2k.
You save 3k each year by renting.
Running Total = 5k.
Every year - you put in some money to your investment vehicle = mortgage amortization.So over 30 years - you would have been earning investment income on $80k @5% on an average = 4k.
Running Total = 9k.
So you are making 1k more by buying - AND taking a lot of leverage = risk.
Inflation can upset this calculation - but not much.1980 - 2008 was an unusual period of low inflation and high growth = high housing price increase.Any bets on how sustainable that would be?Typically housing price appreciation would be at or below inflation - which would favor other investment vehicles over real estate.
I personally would need much more compelling reasons than the above to buy.
This calculation does not take into account the flexibility in relocation if you do not buying a house.It alos does not consider the risk a*sociated with having the largest chunk of your portfolio invested in a single non-diversified house instead of having a properly diversified portfolio.
Probably not very relevant - but you can get a lot of leverage if you have the stomach for it by opening a brokerage account with 40k (your initial downpayment).A good semi-professional one would be IB (interactivebrokers.com).Margin accounts give a 3X/4x leverage any day.Buy a few interest rate, currency or commodity swaps with that - and your leverage can reach stratospheric levels.I know I dont have the stomach for that.
2010 makeup day of dead tattoos
Day of the dead skull flash by No, they figured out that it is consulting companies that are exploiting looph*les.Tell me what proof you have that ALL consulting companies are complying with H-1B requriements.
Is benching that happens in consulting legal?Is paying salary according to prevailing wages in Maine and sending the contractor to work in Manhattan legal?Please tell me how these practises by desi consulting firms are legal.
And you're telling me I am ignorant!You're funny :D
I am sorry, I am not a very knowledgeable person in immigration matters like many of you, but when it comes to finger pointing, we have to show all consulting companies and why only DESI companies are getting into this discussion.I know friends who worked for IBM & KPMG on H1b travels to all states for short term contracts.What about those biggies?They are also desi firms?
How did you come to US in the first place?if not thru a consulting company ( I know F1 is another option) either thru big companies like TCS, Wipro or Infy or through desi consulting firms.Pls do not forget the fact that USCIS changed their stand now and saying that it is not legal to work else where other than employer location.If they implement that rule from start then this mess wouldn't happen.
Now, we are in trouble and so stop finger pointing and give any good advise if you can.
FYI..I am an FTE and I came to us thru a multinational firm and never worked for a desi consulting cmpny.
Day of the Dead Sugar Skull "It looks like the Senate and the president have finally agreed on an immigration bill....This one looks like it could become law and, of course, nobody likes it.The conservatives say the bill gives amnesty to the illegals.The liberals say it doesn't go far enough to protect the hardworking immigrants here in America.And the L.A.P.D.doesn't know who to beat up." --Bill Maher
"The liberals are saying that this guest worker program ...is really just a way to depress wages and create a permanent undercla*s of exploited labor.To which the president said, 'And the problem is?'" --Bill Maher
"President said in his speech that immigrants have to learn English.The immigrants said, 'Hey, you first.'" --Jay Leno
"President is down in Mexico right now.Again, I don't think President gets it.As soon as he stepped off Air Force Once, he looked around and said, 'Wow, you got a big problem with Mexican immigrants down here, too.'" --Jay Leno
hair Day Of The Dead Art Skull With
Day of The Dead Sugar Skull new_horizon
12-18 08:33 AM
i agree that organized religions were created by man, but I am talking about faith.God did not come to create religion but a way to salvation.the main message of the bible is forgiveness, and the sacrifice that God made in order to save mankind.the person the bible portrays is the man who wanted to sacrifice his life for all of us.history proves that to be true.I don't think any king would want to change that message.
God hates evil, and both God and evil cannot exist together.Man is doomed to eternal death because of sin.but God loved us that none of us should perish, and that's how he gave us a way to escape death (not mortal).that is through the great sacrifice He made for mankind.
Book of Romans 5:8
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
Look, your intensions may be good and I respect that, but one cannot solve one problem by creating another problem of equal magnitude.
Isn't "religion" the reason why folks are fighting?I do not mean to offend anyone, but I think all religious books have been doctored by the kings who were in power during the last two centuries.Bible, Geeta, Quran, or for that matter any religious book of any organized religion - they are all doctored from its original version.Why?Because the purpose of these books is?Guess what?To oragnize the religion.Their primary purpose is not spirituality.Because if the sole purpose was spirituality, no one will have fought each other in the name of religion for thousands of years.
I guess the question I would ask is - WWJD ie.What Would Jesus Do?If you asked Jesus that are you the only son of god, WWJD?I can tell you with 100% surety that he will say - we are all sons and daughters of God.But con artists have doctored the holy book to suit their meaning and interpretation.Anyways, I do not mean to have a philisophical debate here with you being the "protector" of Jesus, why?Because Jesus or Allah or for that matter any great soul doesn't need any protection from anyone.Just as a cartoon cannot damage Allah, any discussion about any faith cannot damage the GOD.But too often we want to be seen as if "God is on MY side" because I follow CORRECT religion, and everyone else is against my team of "ME & GOD".And thats just the most absurd thing mankind could come up with in the form of organized religion.But the truth is, thats the most common view most humans take, everyone is protecting their "GOD", which actually sounds like a joke.Does god need any protection???I mean give me a break.
Please don't bring one flawed system to replace another flawed system.
DAY OF THE DEAD SKULL by Current propaganda by them portrays Hamas as innocent and puts all blame on Israel.Hamas has a history of using civilians as human shields.They are cruel even to their own people.
see these to believe.