
The secret to the princess

The secret to the princess

Reset the skin, the frog immediately turned into a beautiful Vasilisa the Wise.Are the opportunities peeling guessed in a fabulous time?Clever catchwords peeling or exfoliation "refers to removal of the upper, keratinized layer of epidermis.This procedure not only relieves the way for the young cells, but also stimulates their rapid reproduction.The skin on the front is young and smooth.Attitudes toward peeling ambiguous: some consider it normal hygienic procedures, others - brutal interference in the internal affairs of the body.Who is right?Home wonders Surface, preventive peeling - is tamed, domesticated resurfacing.Done it by using special creams - scrubs and gomazhey.Scrub acts mechanically abrasive particles skinned (of course, rather politely) upper horny layer of the epidermis.For oily skin useful coarse scrub for normal to dry - a soft, fine grained.Moisturized face is covered with a cream-treatment, ma*saged a few minutes, then all washed off.In addition to skin cleansing, exfoliation improves circulation and helps to look younger.Not recommended for skin with dilated vessels or inflamed pimples, because exacerbates these weaknesses.Gomazh works more subtly.It dissolves keratin, and thus helps to remove dead cells and cleanse pores.Gomazh designed for either sensitive or oily, problematic skin.This cream is applied to a certain time (from 3 to 10 minutes), then wiped off, or rather, rolled off the skin.I must say that exfoliate the top layer of skin - a perfectly natural process.Breathing and clearing of the epidermis slows down due to improper care, stress, no matter the environment.A peeling cream helps the skin to breathe, "full chest".Special miracles from them, we should not wait, but regular use can look fresh.In addition to a variety of peeling creams, you can try masks - out of all that is at hand.Let cook mask troublesome than reach out for a jar of cream, but the result is worth it.Honey scrub - two tablespoons of honey, the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of wheat bran.The warm mixture is applied for 30 minutes.Curd peeling - teaspoon, ground in a coffee grinder rice, 2 tablespoons soft cheese and half a teaspoon of olive oil.Procedure duration -15 minutes.Carrot peel - a grated carrot is juicy and a bit of ground up oatmeal.Valid for 20 minutes.Cabin metamorphosis In the salon, of course, carried out over a deep facial cleansing.For example, a vacuum: after two successive layers of peeling an ordinary content then pulled through a special device.Or manual: ma*sage brushes with natural bristles.Deeper and, moreover, quite traumatic kind of peeling - ultrasound.In fact, it is not simply exfoliate dead cells, and complex medical procedures.Therefore, the course is conducted - 5-6 sessions at weekly intervals.Ultrasonic waves adversely affect the bacteria in the mouths of the sebaceous glands.Cellular micro ma*sage by ultrasound improves collagen synthesis and blood flow to the skin.The result is noticeable to the naked eye: the wrinkles are smoothed out even.Clinical Magic # 1.Chemical peeling - is already a serious rejuvenating."Light" version is usually performed in multiple sessions.Fruit, glycol or alfagidroksikisloty strictly defined concentration provide smoothing effect in half an hour after the procedure.Coupled with the acid solutions are applied to the face mask treatment (this know-how of a wellness center).Chemical Peel renews your skin, but at the same time stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.The effect of this tightening is kept for several weeks.# 2.TSA-Peeling - much more traumatic procedure is carried out only in a hospital.Trichloroacetic acid removes deep wrinkles and scars.But not immediately at first a thin white film and swelling, redness and swelling and then, after - the redness and peeling.All this, obviously, is accompanied not the most pleasant sensations.People can look at only two weeks, but full recovery takes place within a month.# 3.The most radical method - laser resurfacing.Directed beam of light "burns" the top layer of skin with all its shortcomings.Modern equipment provides accurate and severely impact the desired depth of burns, but the effect is still highly dependent on the skill of a surgeon.Like any major operation, laser peeling is a*sociated with certain problems, pain after the procedure, risk of pigmentation, long pa*sing edema.The recovery period lasts less than a month.Of course, deep peeling is a trauma to the body.To resort to it can be just once in a lifetime.Today beauticians recommend a proven, reliable path - frequent but superficial peels.Without burning the last word in cosmetology - remodeling of the so-called neablyatsionnoy technology, in other words, without the burn.The technique arose from laser resurfacing, almost by accident.It turns out that the effect of tightening with laser peels due to not restoring the skin after a burn, a side effect - warming up to 60 degrees, the collagen fibers.So no longer need to vaporize the top layer of skin.Lasers have adapted to the finer work.After peeling the skin surface just heated by the beam of a certain wavelength.Special cooler carefully protects the epidermis from damage.High temperature stimulates the cells that form new collagen fibers.A change in the structure of the dermis: reduced pores, shallow wrinkles disappear as a result the skin becomes more elastic and healthier.The treatment course usually consists of 3 to 6 sessions, held once or twice a month.The technique is perfectly safe - after the procedure there is only a slight redness.The effect of tightening remains a year or even longer.Safety spring we get rid of all unnecessary, leaving behind the winter blues, the extra pounds - and unwanted epidermal cells.However, after peeling (with the exception of the surface) skin is especially sensitive to sunlight.If you did not care about the "new skin" in advance, in the winter, the beauticians are advised to always use sunscreen with at least 15 spp.And one more note: the preventive home peeling resorted to only once or two a week.All traffic - only to face ma*sage lines.And in any case does not affect the thin skin around the eyes!Consultant - Sergey Minkin, professor, head of the clinic

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