
Nap disasters and annoyed with my mother

Nap disasters and annoyed with my mother

I have changed my mind and decided that my child has a sleep problem.Naps.Naps are bad.I feel like I’m doing them all wrong.I read on these websites that my almost-6-month-old (OMG.SUNRISE, SUNSET) is supposed to be taking a mid-morning nap, a mid-afternoon nap, and perhaps a catnap in the late afternoon that he will soon drop.В  This is not anywhere near what’s happening.His nap list at daycare generallyВ looks like this:

  • 8-8:40
  • 11-11:35
  • 12:30-1:15
  • 3-3:30

And then he’s exhausted when he gets home, and throws a fit unless I can manage to getВ  him down for a catnap between 5:30 and 6.I often fail to accomplish this, as putting him in his pack and play for a nap magically transforms him from a tired baby who is rubbing his eyes to a wide!awake!baby!who must thrash and scream.

Weekend naps are a similiar problem.Putting him downВ is very difficult, and I usually fail here, too.Then I end up having to take him somewhere in the car or stroller, and he falls asleep that way, instead.

At night, he falls asleep while eating (around 7:30pm) and I transfer him without any issues to his crib.I have tried putting him to bed while he’s still awake, but this does not work because he will scream until he gets the exact amount of breast milk he wants and then immediately falls asleep.He sleeps through the night about 50% of the time, waking around 5 or 6am.

So obviously I am doing something wrong, here.But I don’t know what to do.It seems like the only way to «train» him to nap properly is to take a week off of work and never leave the house so he can’t resort to the motion nap.Since that’s not an option, what do I do?HALP.


You know what I was not prepared for this morning?


(From the baby, I mean.)



My mom comes and picks up Henry from day care on Tuesdays, around mid-morning, and then takes care of him until I get home from work.This is something she wants to do to be able to spend time with him; I am still paying for day care and everything.Yesterday I was so freaking annoyed with her.She gave him a pacifier even though she suspected we’d cut them out (I forgot to tell her we were done, but last week I had told her it would be soon, and I got rid of all the binkies in the house except apparently for the one she managed to find).I asked her why she did that and she said, «I really wanted to.»В  She acknowledged that she figured we’d stopped giving it to him spent a three day weekend getting him off it, in fact but did it anyway.

I was tired, hot, and cranky, and didn’t think that it was the best time to talk to her about it.(Though I’m pretty sure she understood that I was irritated when I opened up the trash and threw the binkie away with perhaps more force than necessary.) I will have to before she comes next week, though.

I was also irritated to come home and find Henry napping on the couch, with Mom asleep next to him.What if he’d rolled off?Another thing we’ll have to chat about.

Have you dealt with your mom/mother-in-law doing things you didn’t like with your kid (or dog/cat/whatever)?I would love to hear advice/stories.