
Why does tort reform get more Republican support than Democratic support?

Why does tort reform get more Republican support than Democratic support?
medical mistakes
by emdot

It seems to me that placing a cap on how much someone can take from the health care industry for a medical mistake would do three things that the Democratic Party would like to accomplish.

(1) It would stop increasing the number of millionaires.
(2) It would ensure more health insurance for more people as insurance companies stop increasing the price of health care to pay their covered doctor's lost law suits.
(3) It would increase quality of care as more doctors try to enter the industry as they have reduced fear of being ruined one day.

I'm not trying to attack either Party.I'm curious as to why this is.
I see that Don C was confused about what tort reform is.It does not stop law suits, it only caps the amount that the patient can take.I have not seen anyone advocate that there should be zero accountability for medical mistakes.

Chuck D.Schmuck Do you really think that the Democrats are going to bite the hand that feeds them?The Bar Assoc.is a Liberal Democrat org.

Wherever did you come up with the preposterous notion that Democrats want to "stop increasing the number of millionaires?"

You people are amazing.

That answer is rather obvious, to me. If anything is allowed to clean up the industry, it takes away one more argument to encourage socialized health care.

Mary W
When torts are violated - some one has to pay.It is equity law.The republicans are the "have gots" and they aren't about to split with the money for anybody, If they have to, they want to give the very smallest amount possible.Health care is a huge joke.Doctors do not testify against other doctors and they can get "bought" for the right amount of money.If a patient sues a doctor chances are 1/10 of 1% they will recover damages.Even if they do, that doctor just goes back to practicing medicine in his/her pathetic way.
How to fix this system - I don't have an answer, but one way to fix the health care system in America is through nationalized health care insurance for everybody without cost up front.Sorry folks, we just can't control the costs because of the term GREED!

This is a simple answer.Democrats view large insurance companies as the bad guy because of all the profits they make while often the price of health care for the beneficiary increases.They do not support tort reform because if this is a way to get back at insurance companies by "making them pay" for their mistakes.The thoughts of many Democrats is that if its bad for the insurance companies, its good.

Republicans are tired of negative adjudications against insurance companies and doctors which drives up the cost of health care.They are also tired of what some would call frivolous lawsuits that tie up court dockets while liberal judges make laws and set precedence with outrageous settlements.

You are very astute to come up with your observations, all of which are correct.Democrats however, look at their major objective of making health care more expensive so that they have an argument that supports Universal Health Care at taxpayer expense.

remix edition
We need to strike a balance.Not all law suits are frivolous, most are justified.Why do Republicans want to keep big corporations and wealthy Dr's from paying for their mistakes?

Each dollar that a plaintiff is awarded is one dollar less in net profit for corporate America.

Shareholders, the GOP base, then get smaller returns on their investments.

don c
Tort reform is just another way of saying that Business's aren't responsible when they are negligent.Without the ability to sue the party thats been neglectful, there is no end to the number of corners that HMO's and Insurance companys will cut in order to save the mighty dollar, all at the expense of the general publics health and safety.

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